I hope I do not bore anyone, by mentioning about Hinduism; as it is purely educational, so that foreigners can understand Indian history & cuture ! <<-Back During the reign of the last Mugal Emperor 'Aurangzeb', people were forced to convert to Islam or have their head decapitated. Critics say that Aurangzeb, was a zealous fanatic, a devout muslim, who wanted everyone to convert to Islam. He was so ambitious, that he had his 2 brothers 'Dara & Murad' imprisoned & executed, as the Emperor favored them. Later when he took to the throne, he had his father 'Shah Jahan' the deposed King, imprisoned in the dungeons. Shah Jahan died in captivity. Aurangzeb, later imposed special taxes, on the Hindus and Sikhs & mass executions upon those not converting to Islam. Most people rebelled & fled, but the weak remained, bowed under pressure & fearing for their lives, converted to Islam! My ancestors, the Chaturvedi clan opposed & fled along the river Jamuna! Many Hindustanis converted to Islam, in the late 17th Century
These converted muslims have embraced their new religions fanatically & forgot about their Hindu origins. The actual 'Mugal descendants' are very fair-skinned people of Afghanistan descent, who live in North India & North Pakistan. These Islamic people do not marry & intermix with the local Hindus. They want to maintain the purity of their Afghanistan heritage. I as a pure Hindustani, respect that! One of my good high-school friends 'Muhammad Adil Khan', was of pure Afghan descent. His entire family were all fair-skinned and good- looking, settled in the Northern parts of India. Adil & his brothers ( Yusuf, Tariq & Arif ) are all very good-looking Indians, who could easily be mistaken as 'Europeans', due to their fair-complexion.
I have nothing against Islam & the muslim people of India in general. What I and many other Hindustanis despise the most, is the fact that the muslims think that Islam is responsible for Modern India & every Indian is of Islamic descent! { Islam ruled India, from the 12th Century till the 19th Century & built a few Palaces, Forts & monuments. But that is not everything ! In India, there are more palaces, forts & monuments, built by the Hindu Empire than the Islamic rulers combined. } The Islamics, also make fun of the Hindus, who are predominantly vegeatarians (do not eat meat) and they are non-vegeatarians (eaters of meat) { In the HINDU CASTE SYSTEM, there are 5 groups. The Brahmins do not eat meat and are pure vegeatarians. The rest of the 4 classes eat meat and are non-vegeatarian. HOWEVER THE COW IS SACRED TO ALL HINDU CLASS & ALL CLASSES ARE FORBIDDEN TO EAT BEEF ! The Hindustani religion forbids eating beef by all HINDUS, vegeatarians and non-vegeatarians alike )
Eating meat does not make one of a superior-race. The Hindu culture believes in equality of life. But that is beside the point. Making fun of the Hindu culture that has existed for thousands of years before Islam, is very unfair, disrespectful & improper. Moreover, even mow, India is still predominantly a Hindu country, where Hindus constitute more than 85% of the population. Irrespective of this, India is a secular country, with respect to all religions, Hindus, Christians, Muslims alike & treats all its citizens equally, despite being a Hindu majority country. Majority rules and should be prevalent in the entire nation.