Photos of Office Desktop PC && Mainframe / SuperComputerBy 'Anup Kumar Chaturvedi'
Mainframe SuperComputers have speeds of TeraFlops/seconds and PetaFlops/seconds;
1 KiloFlop = 1 thousand Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000; (10^3)
1 MegaFlop = 1 Million Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000; (10^6)
1 GigaFlop = 1 Billion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000; (10^9)
1 TerraFlop = 1 Trillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000; (10^12)
1 PetaFlop = 1 Quadrillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000,000; (10^15)
1 ExaFlop = 1 Quintrillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000,000,000; (10^18)
1 ZettaFlop = 1 Sextrillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; (10^21)
1 YotaFlop = 1 Septrillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; (10^24)
etc, etc, etc .........................................................................................................