Photos of Office Desktop PC && Mainframe / SuperComputer
By 'Anup Kumar Chaturvedi'

Mainframe SuperComputers have speeds of TeraFlops/seconds and PetaFlops/seconds;
1 KiloFlop = 1 thousand Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000; (10^3) 1 MegaFlop = 1 Million Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000; (10^6) 1 GigaFlop = 1 Billion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000; (10^9) 1 TerraFlop = 1 Trillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000; (10^12) 1 PetaFlop = 1 Quadrillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000,000; (10^15) 1 ExaFlop = 1 Quintrillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000,000,000; (10^18) 1 ZettaFlop = 1 Sextrillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; (10^21) 1 YotaFlop = 1 Septrillion Flops/sec (Floating Point Operations Per Seconds); 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000; (10^24) etc, etc, etc .........................................................................................................

Office Desktop PC Home Desktop PC Computer Case ( Tower )                    Cray XT5 Supercomputer
India has always been interested in purchasing the powerful CRAY CT supercomputer from the US. The CRAY supercomputer manufactured in MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota; has been on the Indian radar screen for decades ! A United States embargo on India of High-Technology item has prevented this purchase for decades! India is interested in acquiring the CRAY XT series model for Meteorological Research & Simulation SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer

SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer

SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer

SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer SuperComputer / MainFrame Computer Gereral_Communication_Headuqarters_(GCHQ)_Cheltenham_ENGLAND NSA_Ft-Meade_Maryland_USA