Among the different Asian martial-arts, namely Aikido (Japan), Kung-fu (China), Taekwondo (Korea), Muay-Thai (Thailand), Pencak Silat (Indonesia),Kravmaga (Israel), Kali (Philipines), etc etc etc I particularly admire the art of Aikido, (pure self-defense); Kravmaga, (CQC); and Kali,
(stick-fighting);The Bharat Sena (Indian Armed Forces)

Indian Armed Forces Special-Warfare-Training-Camps
Video: Japanese Katana VS European Longsword

Video: Secret of Samurai sword
Video: Best Samurai sword-fight 1
Video: Greatest Samurai sword-fightVideo: Best Samurai sword-fight 2 @@@@@@@@@@@Video: Best Samurai sword-fight 3@@@@@@@@@@@Video: Greatest movie sword-fight
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Video: Good movie sabre-duel
In Ancient India KamaSutra the art of sex, developed and flourished & travelled to the Western countries, where it was further refined & developed, while we@
Indians kind of forgot its different styles over time. Similarly 'Buddhist monks', led by BodhiDharma spread Indian martial-arts, to China and other Pacific-
Orient countries. In the Orient the martial-arts was further developed & refined into the modern martial art society. In the meanwhile, we Indians have forgot
Kalaripayattu; the martial-art that initially began in India in 300 BC. Anything that can be forgot, can also be learned again through practice.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
( Through proper martial-art basic training, every Indian Army soldier can become a 'warrior' )
The Indian Armed Forces must open 4 'Special-Warfare-Training-Camps' one each at Ladhak, Arunachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and Karwar for the Indian Army & the Navy
respectively. This way front-line battle troops & sailors can go through the basics of martial-arts before going to the border-posts and the sea respectively.
This is very essential. The
Chinese Army troops
amassed at the northern border are well trained in the martial-art & Kung Fu according to intelligense reports.
They practice regularly with 6-7 feet long bamboo poles, sword-fighting drills and Kung Fu. If the need ever arises, the Indian jawan cannot turn his back to
the enemy. To make sure that this never occurs, an 8-12 weeks basic training at a special camp is necessary. After that he can practice for an hour daily.(This
does not imply that every single Chinese soldier is a 'Bruce Lee' martial-art champion. Even the Indian Army has few soldiers (special-forces), who regularly@
exercise and do body building. The Chinese practice the basics of stick-fighting, sword-fighting and Kung Fu just like the Indian soldiers perform their daily
push-ups, sit-ups & arm-wrestle. It has become a daily practice routine for the Chinese ! They do it 10-15 minutes every day. )@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Every Indian soldier goes through an acclimatization process at a High Altitude Warfare School (HAWS), before he heads for Siachen-glacier and is also rotated
with other men. Similarly, every Indian soldier must also undergo couple weeks of martial-arts exercise, at a Special-Warfare-Training-Camp. The Indian Armed
Forces must hire civilian martial-art instructors trained in the art of Indian stick-fighting (sword-fighting) and hand-to-hand combat. If not they should get
people trained in Japan or Phillipines or Thailand as instructors. These countries along with Vietnam are our allies and will gladly help! Once these Special-
-Warfare-Training-Camps are estabilished, it will become a common practice in the Indian Armed Forces and become part of the Indian Army culture !@@@@@@@@@@@@
The Ordnance Factories Board must start to manufacture steel swords like the Japanese-Samurai-Katana, 48 inches in total-length ( 38 " blade + 10 " Handle), to
grip with both hands if necessary or the British-Excabilur-Fighting-Sword. The Indian Lathi (fighting-stick) should be atleast 8 ' (feet) long, for long reach
and range. It should be made of light composite material ( plastic fiber-glass ). These two items should be added to the list of products in Ordnance Factory@
Boards Troops Comfort & General Stores section.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Some good Martial-Art Training Films
Shaolin Temple (Watch at 17:00 Minutes) A good film about Buddhist monks and Martial-Art@
Jet Li - Martial Arts of Shaolin (Watch all Clips) Good film on Martial-Art training @@@@
The Mongolians The warriors who defeated the Chinese & conquered Asia and Europe@@@@@@@@@
Ancient Greek Warriors & Gladiators
300 (Watch all clips) A good film about Greeks fighting the Persians@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
300-Rise of an Empire (A sequel to 300) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@