'The STAR SPANGLED BANNER'; Flag of the United States of America. United States of America & India have become allies in the 'War on Terror'. A mutual treaty of Business & Strategic Partnership is planned for the future as relations improve. Long Live Indo-US friendship for peace & stability ! India needs United States vote, for its inclusion, as a new member, at the UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL organization ! Flag of the 'United States Republican party'

Ex-Florida Governor John Ellis "Jeb" Bush (1999 - 2007)

The Bush Family ( Old Portrait )@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@The Bush Family ( New Portrait )

Ex-Governor Jeb Bush, should sincerely try and fulfill the 'dreams' and 'wishes', of his father, Ex-President George HW Bush (1). I could not fulfill the 'dreams' and 'wishes',
of my late father Capt. G.B. Chaturvedi. However, I sincerely wish, that Governor Jeb Bush help George HW Bush Senior, attain 'peace of mind' and 'satisfaction in life',
by winning the Presidential election. These are the wishes, of our beloved Ex-President George HW Bush, during his senior-years ! Good luck & all the best, to Mr Jeb Bush !

Our politicians do not realize that sometimes when they make any simple, negative remark, about a working-class citizen, it can practically ruin the citizens career / family / life.

@@@@@@@For example.....

 Ex-Florida Governor Bush  Ex-Florida Governor Bush  Ex-Florida Governor Bush  Ex-Florida Governor Bush  Ex-Florida Governor Bush